Mystery of the Green Hornet

I have many friends that are huge fans of the 1960's TV show, the Green Hornet.
My buddy Paul has spent many an hour and dollar trying to find all the episodes of this hip spin off of the Batman series. (In truth, Green Hornet is actually a spin off of the Lone Ranger)
April asked me about the release on DVD, so I did some hunting on the subject of why this classic show has not yet been released.
I knew that Fox had the rights to it (as they do the Batman series), but I couldn't figure out why...after practically everything in syndication is on DVD...why, Fox couldn't release this series. I mean, the 40th anniversary has come and gone, and all we have "officially" is this pastiche (which is the 74' theatrical).
After reading around I found out that the owner* of the Green Hornet franchise, George W. Trendle's estate, wouldn't allow Fox to release anything on DVD because of the rights which went south many years ago. It seems that Trendle never liked the "campy" connection with Batman, and was annoyed with Fox's treatment of "his" classic back in the 60's.
Trendle is gone, but his estate and heirs still won't budge on the releases. It comes down to money as usual, and isn't about the quality of the show. Fox has the product, but the Trendle estate owns the rights. People love the show, but some old fart can't loosen his grip...same old story.
(*Trendle only bought the scripts and produced radio shows from his station in Detroit back in the 30's. Fran Striker invented the characters for the Green Hornet, the Lone Ranger, and Sgt. Preston of the Yukon. I think if any estate should recieve money from these creatons, it should be the artist himself.)
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