Wild Arch Hall, Jr.
Thanks to the blog, Detective Mitchell's Junk Drawer, I can sleep at night knowing that someone compiled all of Arch Hall, Jr.'s music onto one disc.
I need to know that somewhere "Dune Buggy" has been saved in digital audio...and it's important that the title track from "Eegah!" be heard by everyone. (It's so punk before punk, it's scary.)

It's imperative that "Twist Fever" be heard so clear, that it seems it was recorded yesterday!! It contains clips and trailers from The Choppers, Eegah!, Wild Guitar...

Includes live tracks as well of Hall with the Archers.
Hit the link and download the zip file before someone rips it out 'a there!
Listen to an interview with Arch Hall, Jr. on WFMU, which aired on my birthday!!

The Choppers
"Twist Fever" from Wild Guitar
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