Friday, September 28, 2007

Sad News

For all of Joe Riley's friends and fans,

It is with overwhelming sadness that I have to relay the following information. Joe Riley, a great pal and talented artist passed away on thursday, September 27, 2007. Please check back here for a longer post on this subject.

At this time we are trying to relay the information regarding his funeral to everyone who might be interested.

Joe's funeral is Monday Oct. 1st at 2:00 pm at Laurel Land in Dallas, Texas. The viewing is Sunday September 30 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. You may contact Joe's fiance April at 940-594-4792 if you have any questions.

If you were a friend please be there and pay your respects to a great and rare guy.



Blogger Jason said...

Wow, I'm dumbstruck. Very, very sorry to read of this news this morning; my best wishes & condolences to everyone who knew him (whether directly or only "virtually" as I did). I really enjoyed both his work & his words.

8:56 AM  
Blogger Multimedia Capstone said...

Such a sad loss of talent and of a big sweet guy. I worked with him during "Santa vs the Snowman" and have enjoyed his hospitality at his Halloween parties. I will miss him.

12:32 PM  
Blogger dav said...

My family and I are shocked and saddened.
Joe was a gentle, smart and very funny friend who loved to laugh. Whenever we would get together we would always laugh and laugh until we cried.

Such a loss. He was a great guy and one helluva talent. He lives on, in his large body of art and in all of our memories. His influence will echo forever , and in thousands of little ways he's stll with us.
Dave Clowers

2:49 PM  
Blogger Chris Jart said...

Oh no!! I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences to his family and friends.

I only knew Joe online through our blogs, which both come from a "pop culture-monster-grew up in the 1970s" kind of stuff.

I throroughly enjoyed his posts and his art. I always loved the comments and interchanges we had on my blog. I'd been absent from blogging this year and due to Halloween had just gotten into it and looked forward to seeing what Joe was doing.

Wow, this is so sad. I really stunned. Joe will be missed.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Sherry said...

I was only introduced to Joe's artwork today through the Run Time newsletter. His artwork is fantastic and my thoughts go out to his family. May he live forever in art.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Jeff Pidgeon said...

I only knew Joe through his blog and never got to meet him in person. Still, I loved his artwork and his enthusiasm for pop culture. I was so sorry to hear of Joe's passing - my thoughts and prayers go out to Joe's loved ones.

10:55 PM  

Hi, my name is Alexandre Machado, and I´m from Santa Cruz do Sul / Brazil.
Your blogspot is very COOL!! CONGRACTULATIONS
I am have a blogspot with my ilustrations. The adress is:

Sorry for my Junkie English, hehe


4:08 PM  
Blogger Tom Dougherty said...

I'm just a reader who only knew him through this blog, but I felt as if I'd gotten to know just a little of him through his observations, interests and wit. Even though we were strangers, I know I'll miss him.

My condolences for everyone lucky enough to know him personally, and my best to his family and loved ones. Goodbye, Joe

2:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i just found out this tragic news today on november 12th. i met joe through his hypnotic eye show back in 19996, and have tried to remain in contact with him, but sometimes life has other plans. i will miss your humor and your creativity. the hypnotic eye was and is, the greatest cable access show ever...peace and love.

12:17 AM  
Blogger (L)SD said...

1985 - I worked with Joe at Telecable in Plano. He helped me with this 'commercial' - applied the makeup and edited most, as well. RIP Joe. - Steve Dirkx

11:25 AM  
Blogger Melanie said...

I went to Skyline High School and attended the commercial art classes with Joe calling him friend for 4 years. He was an amazingly talented artist and a funny intelligent guy. He looked me up several years after graduation and we dated for a bit then drifted apart. Sitting here telling my 24 year old daughter about this amazingly talented artist and friend I decided to look for him only to find this post and it broke my heart. Joe, the world is a lesser place having lost will always be a part of me and my art.

9:46 PM  

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