Thursday, March 09, 2006

High Brow Art Collector

Bet you didn't know I was a high fah-looten' art collector, huh? I hit Ebay and scan for cool original paintings and sketches.

I came across Patrick Owsley's work for sale and bought one of his Quisp pieces. I plan to buy more 'cause I can't resist original art....and he does all the characters I grew up with..and they're affordable. He's got a web site too that's an eye full!


  1. Cool! And his portfolio has such big pictures too.

  2. You can't consider yourself as ha-falooten till you have a john Salmon hanging on your wall.

  3. He ain't no Rudolph Dirks (The Katzenjammer Kids) or R.F.Outcault (The Yellow Kid). All your best comics gave the foreigners a good ribbing.
